Sound Insulation for Noisy Offices


I’m a founder at Connectifier, a fast growing tech startup in Newport Beach, CA. We also have an open floor plan, which is great for keeping everyone in the loop, but less awesome for quiet concentration. We also have many amenities such as a kitchen, ping pong table, and sofas, but want to keep separation between heads down work spaces and collaborative spaces. As we grow, a space that originally held two people now holds closer to a dozen and the office is starting to get noisier. This will only continue as we grow unless we find a solution.

In order to plan for our growth, I investigated several office noise solutions. Here’s an idea of what I found.

Ikea Risor Room Divider – $99
ikea-risor Phone Booths – $3495

TalkBox Booth – $4450 for single occupancy

Framery Phone Booths – $8,000 for a Framery-O and $17,000 for a Framery-Q unit

Clearsonic MiniMega Isolation Booth – ~$2,750 + $200 shipping
clearsonic-isolation-booth – ~$6000 depending on model. Shipping included

Buzzispace – ~$8,000 for Buzzibooth, $2,371 for Buzzicockpit

Airea Phonebooth with door – ~$6,500 + shipping

Lada Cube also has several options, which they say go for $156/sq.ft.

In the end, we ended up waiting until we moved into a larger office and hiring a contractor to build phone booths into the office itself. Some of the cheaper options like and TalkBox weren’t available yet and it ended up being far more cost effective than the options that were available at the time. I also ended up picking up a pair of Bose QuietComfort 35 headphones. They’re quite pricey for headphones, but well worth the cost.

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